Chijioke Umezinwa

Software Developer

Find Out More About Me

Hello, I am Chijioke Umezinwa, and I am a software developer. I enjoy working to create the best websites possible.

This website was made on the ruby on rails framework and hosted on AWS. You can view my code for this site on my Github repository!

Feel free to browse through the site and view my resume as well as recent projects I worked on.

My background
Link to resume


Near Future

Emulation Project

I aim to build an emulation machine based on emulating a popular video game console.

Arduino and Raspberry Pi Projects

I aim to feature arduino and raspberry pi projects


Personal Portfolio Website

Completely revamped my personal portfolio to reflect my growing knowledge of backend web development.

Expression Tree

A small program that took an arithmetic expression as input, and printed an expression tree as its output.


Graduated, Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

2018 - 2017

Technology Consultant

Library and Technology Services, Lehigh University. Provided Level 1 technical and computing support for Lehigh University faculty, staff, and students.

Database Systems, Algorithms & Applications Final Project

Created a fictional app where users make accounts to shop for customizable cars using a database and text-based interference.


Recent Projects